My first tattoo is of a rising Phoenix. She’s flying out of the flames below. It’s full color, although faded…
To many runners, running is something they love; they look forward to their daily runs, they love getting out the…
Lance of Skitzo wrote & performed the theme music
One of my favorite types of books is a nonfiction book where the writer tells their story of redemption; how…
Jonathan Acott Lance of Skitzo wrote & performed the theme music Jonathan Acott Instagram
The hardest part of my surgery isn’t the pain or the hospital bill, although that part is really difficult. The…
Kurt Nelson & The Lantern Group Brain Shift Journal Lance of Skitzo wrote & performed the theme music
Additional Note: I was released from the hospital a day early, so the surgery was very successful! What a great…
Someone said….. You are where you dreamed of being 5 years ago. Well, I’m not. I’m nowhere near where I…