I’m new to podcasting, but I’m not new to podcasts. There are a few I really like and will listen to them from their very humble beginnings all the way through the sometimes hundreds of episodes. It’s enjoyable to hear how they progress, evolve and change.
I also like to listen to running/fitness podcasts, because that’s what mine is, so I thought it would be helpful to write a few things that I look for in running podcasts and a few things that will make me turn it off, never to listen again.
Quality sound is important. And there are many levels to this. If you produce a one-person podcast, make sure the mic you use is the best you can afford. If you have one or more people, each person should have their own mic and headphones. There are a few podcasts who have people sitting on a couch, sharing a mic and that doesn’t work. The people are too far away and their voices get lost. And really, when you’re listening back over the episode, you don’t hear how badly it sounds?
If doing a phone interview, listen through and adjust accordingly if the sound levels are off. I know editing is a pain, but it needs to be done, it’s part of doing a podcast.
One thing I look for is: Does the episode have a theme? I like themes, it lets me know what you’ll be talking about. Maybe other people want to hear you and your bud sitting around talking about your last trip to the grocery store, or how bad the traffic is in your town, but no offense, it’s not interesting to me. Have a theme, even if you stray off that theme, be sure and get back on it or you’ll me as a listener.
Remember, I’m only speaking as a consumer here and what I like to hear from podcasts and what makes certain podcasts my favorite.
Practice your diction. If you’re not used to speaking outloud, speak outloud, even to yourself. It will help you when you speak into the mic. I was a DJ for years and that helped me out considerably. The one podcast I will not name, the woman mumbles, without taking a breath, about her running. It’s 18 minutes of nonstop mumbling, the listener can barely hear. More on this podcast later.
When you speak, try not to use words like “um” and “uh” and “ya know” and “like”. The aforementioned podcast uses more of these than any other podcast I’ve ever heard. It’s horrendous! I don’t think she listens to herself or maybe doesn’t care what it sounds like. I counted the first three minutes and there were 17 ums, 1 like, 2 uhs, 2 ya knows, and she cleared her throat 3 times. Plus, there was no break from thought to thought, just one run-on thought to another. How are we listeners supposed to keep up with this nonsense?
Give me a reason to listen!!! Please! I love podcasts! I WANT to listen to your show. But I can’t listen to nonsense.
What I do love, and I’m not looking for perfection, I’m looking for entertainment, are podcasts that are fun or informative or make me laugh. Gym Rants is one of the former. The host is hysterically funny. Now, if you’re highly sensitive or easily offended, don’t listen to it, but if you get tired of the dummies at your gym and you want to make of them, this is the podcast for you.
The lesson is, speak as clear as you can, have a defined subject, make sure ALL hosts and guests can be heard and I’ll probably take a listen.
Please listen to new episodes of Martha Runs the World each Tuesday. Available on ITunes, Google Play, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher and Castbox.