The weather is heating up. Are you ready for higher temps? In this episode, I give you some tips and…
The San Francisco Bay Area has been home to trail racing for a very long time. There are many companies…
Next month, I have a big race, the Shasta Gateway 50k and I’m getting really nervous about it. My friend…
Over and over, I’ve heard runners say “I’m older, I can’t….” I say, start that sentence over as “Because I’m…
If you’re tired of the boring, car-congested routes you always run and you want a quiet change from the places…
I Would Never Do That is the name of Carrie Barrett’s podcast. Each episode, she interviews a different person doing…
Physical Therapist Maura O’Connor gives us invaluable information in this week’s episode. We runners should look towards physical therapists as…
Episode 10 – You’ve decided to take the plunge and start running! Congratulations! Welcome to our wonderful sport! But where…
We’ve set up a training plan for a race we want to do. Now we should think about the fuel…
Steve Carmichael is a runner, coach and huge running supporter. He’s created a great organization in his home of Columbus,…