Jason Stephenson on YouTube – he’s also available on Spotify
Gear Review Used December 31 at New Year’s One Day In addition to each episode being published on the website,…
What did we do in running this year? What will we do next year? I explore these questions this week…
In the blink of an eye, we’ll be in 2023, so why not think about traveling to a half marathon?…
Besides the regular road and trail races, there are a couple different types of races. These go under category of…
2022 is upon us and because it is, I’ve gone deep into my closet to pull out my crystal ball…
What a year!!! It certainly wasn’t boring, that’s for sure! I give you some of the highlights of the running…
Happy New Year! 2019 was quite a year and I go over it with you in this, our 50th Episode!…