Blog – So I Have a Cold

I took July 4th and 5th off to enjoy the holidays. Because this weekend is my weekend to work in the clinic, I looked forward to getting a couple long runs in on Thursday and Friday.


But sometimes things happen that we can’t plan for, and I came down with a cold earlier this week. I went out Thursday morning and got in five miles. I had wanted to get eight miles, but with my congestion and fatigue, I couldn’t get any more in. This morning, on the Friday, the 5th, I felt fine, but coughed a little, and felt it best to skip my planned run. I’ll go for a shorter run tomorrow after I get off work at 5.


Some runners don’t mind running when they feel ill. I am not one of them. I want to get over feeling sick before I go back out running rather than ride it out. But we all handle illness differently.


Thankfully, I rarely get sick, and this won’t keep me down for long.

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